February 01, 2012

I'm a lady

Tuesday nights are a lot of fun. I rush home from work, make myself mini bagels or leftovers for dinner, tear apart the bedroom to find yoga clothes, and then head out to yoga. After a nice relaxing (ha!) hour of trying to do the impossible with my body I zip over to a friend's for knitting and tea and sometimes cookies.

It's pretty enjoyable spending an evening with people that rank very high in the knitting skill level (at least in my eyes) and those that are literally just starting out. I'm not a beginner, I've been knitting for two years now, but I am far from being able to accomplish anything complicated. There is so much knitting know-how there that we actually talk about knitting most of the time. Half of the time? A lot.

Last night the topic of popular knitters came up. If you didn't know that was a thing you're not alone. At first I was a little skeptical about what exactly these websites and blogs could offer me. Well! I have spent the entire afternoon perusing them. Some are better than others, some are more family oriented, some are straight up inflammatory, and some aren't even worth the effort for someone like me. (aka someone who doesn't get excited about yarn) When I get better at knitting I'd like to use nicer yarn but until I can be sure I'm not going to end up wasting the expensive stuff I'm not going to bother.

I'm just so surprised by the sheer quantity of knitters out there. While a lot of them seem to be moms a lot aren't. Some are downright sassy. Just saying. While I'm not sure knitting blogs are exactly what I was looking for when I said I needed blogs to read, they did the trick today.

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