January 25, 2012

Fashion Esteem

I'm feeling a little low on the fashion self-esteem this morning. My style and I have definitely grown up quite a bit in the past few years, from my first pair of jeans ten years ago, to my triple layering of shirts four years ago, to my hoodie and jeans comfort zone which I seem to have outgrown in the past two years or so. I thought I was getting pretty stylish. This morning I ruined all that by reading a fashion blog. What on earth was I thinking?

Today I'm rocking a jumper (which makes me sound three) that I was super excited about when I bought it. I wore it to my job interview for here and then left it sitting in my closet until today. I like my dress. I like my clothing-swap cardi. I like my boots and my polka dot scarf.

The scarf is really to blame for what happened next, though. I was trying to figure out the best way to wear my scarf and so, sitting at my desk, I checked out the source of all scarf knowledge. Then, between answering phone calls and taking messages, I checked out the blog attached to it. I know I'm not itty bitty or Asian so there's several reasons I will never be that cute but wow. I feel like there's clearly so much I don't know about how to dress myself. I think the only pair of heels I own are sitting in the back corner of my closet somewhere and they aren't nearly as high as anything I saw in that blog. I am also morally opposed to spending more than $40 on almost anything for one's closet which I think also sets the realm of high fashion and myself apart. There's probably a line between high fashion and local fashion, too. If I showed up at work in Prada anything with Yves Saint Laurent shoes I think I'd look beyond out of place.

I don't think fashion blogs will be my new time filler.

I will say, though, that the amount of polyester and synthetic fabrics I'm wearing today are totally manageable and are not having a negative impact on my mood. I wonder if synthetics would be easier to maneuver in during a flood type situation than cotton? It looks like Douglas street might start to flood at any moment due to the incredible magnitude of rain falling from the heavens right about now. You will not see me complaining.

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